Academics » RTI2-B Behavior Supports

RTI2-B Behavior Supports

RTI2-B Information

Response to Instruction and Intervention for Behavior (RTI2-B) is a team-based approach for creating and maintaining safe learning environments.  This systems approach helps districts, schools, staff, parents, and students align social and behavioral supports into one sustainable and effective multi-tiered, problem-solving framework.

School discipline is different using RTI2-B because the focus changes from punishing, controlling, and excluding troubling students to preventing problem behaviors and teaching appropriate social, emotional, and behavioral skills as needed.


Tier 1 of RTI2-B refers to the consistent set of behavioral expectations for all students across all school settings.  Students are taught the rules and expectations explicitly, and students who consistently meet those expectations are recognized and celebrated on a regular basis.  Tier 1 also includes clear and consistent procedures for addressing rule violations.




Research shows that with Effective Tier 1 practices in place, 80 to 85 percent of students will be able to meet the school's behavior expectations. 

Ten to fifteen percent of students may require additional, or Tier 2, behavior supports.  These might include participation in a check-in/check-out program, small group counseling, or learning to request breaks.  

An additional three to five percent of students may require individualized behavioral supports through a plan designed to meet their needs.

RTI2-B uses data to track discipline referrals so we can answer questions:  Where are the problems happening?  When are the happening?  Who is at risk?


List of Participating Schools

Teacher Resources
-Ideas for Teaching the Core Competencies during instruction and through ongoing teaching practices
-Self-reflection tool to assess personal strengths and plan for growth in areas of challenge
-publication with brief articles from a variety of researchers, professors, and practitioners on incorporating SEL in schools
-article outlining the five core CASEL competencies, how they impact you as a teacher, and how to practice them in the classroom with students 
-See examples of quality SEL practices from the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching
-sign up for free for access to Sanford Harmony, a K-6 SEL Curriculum; also gives you access to multiple professional learning modules
-guide to the TN K-12 Social and Personal Competencies, with Developmental Indicators and Strategies by grade band 
-toolkit with embedded videos that explains how to integrate social and personal learning into your existing teaching practices; also gives examples of how the SPC competencies align with the TEAM model 
CASEL's 3 Signature Practices for Teachers:
-multiple learning structures for student interaction, movement, and engagement with the content
-over fifty free lesson plans and activities to teach and practice the following skills:  communication, cooperation, emotion regulation, empathy, impulse control, and social Initiation; free downloadable posters and other materials available for reinforcement, with recommendations of companion texts 
-provides practices for educators to build relationships, teach social and emotional learning, and incorporate social skills into academic instruction 
-comprehensive site of resources for social and emotional learning activities for educators and families 
-how to alter your teacher language to move students toward instrinsic motivation
-quick ideas for preventing problem behavior and intervening when it occurs
-tips for high school teachers
-comprehensive classroom management guide with elementary and secondary examples 
-Classroom Management Checklist to gauge your implementation of Tier 1 practices
-fun ways to teach and practice classroom expectations, rules, and routines for elementary, middle, and high
-examples for classroom/schoolwide rewards and incentives for elementary, middle, and high
Three-part series of articles to teach about behavior management:
-behavior interventions organized by type of behavior problem 
-workshops on behavior management available for PD credit  (contact Pamela Parker for login information)
-ideas for first days of school, goal-setting with students, and classroom procedures, with videos
-a variety of ideas for classroom management and behavior interventions 
Video Series provided by the TDOE:
-5-minute video overview about Adverse Childhood Experiences and the ACES Study 
-a series of six informative videos that explain brain development, the importance of relationships, ACES and the impact of stress on our students, and ideas for interventions and strategies
-understand the relationship between ACES, Toxic Stress, and Trauma
-explains behavioral symptoms that you may recognize in your students who have experienced trauma, and gives ideas on how to best address them 
--assists educators at elementary, middle, and high school levels to recognize behaviors that might indicate trauma, and provides tips for how to help students 
-explanation of 8 practices that teachers can utilize to understand and respond effectively to students who have experienced trauma 
-article to explain techniques for keeping students with ADHD engaged in a distance learning environment
-relationship-building during distance learning:  information, videos, links to games and resources 
-quick tips for strengthening relationships while distance learning 
-explains and gives tips on how to connect emotionally with students during distance learning 
-building a sense of classroom community while distance learning
-building a sense of classroom community while distance learning 
-free downloadable Play at Home Playbook, with games that can be played at home with little or no equipment, and can be modified to meet social distancing guidelines in a school environment 
-no points or tickets needed:  ideas for reinforcers (or motivators!) during virtual learning
-ideas for staying in contact with students who have limited online access 
Parent and Family Resources
-free resources and ideas to help your children with issues they may be experiencing at school and/or at home, such as bullying, self-management, attention issues, and negative thinking 
-Sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, this website provides information on how to build resilience in their children.  Topics include managing your own stress and helping your children through various stressors such as divorce, death, and other difficult situations. 
-how to encourage social-emotional development through games and activities with your children 
-comprehensive site of resources for social and emotional learning activities for educators and families 
-ideas to strike up conversations with your child while at home eating a meal, taking a walk, or riding in the car 
Three-part series of articles to teach about behavior management:
-behavior management for parents---understand how your actions can either prevent behavior problems or encourage them, and learn ineffective and effective ways to respond and give consequences 
-(geared toward young children) setting your kids up for success, including understanding the need for attention, how to motivate, and how to effectively give instructions to your child
-free downloadable Play at Home Playbook, with games that can be played at home with little or no equipment, and can be modified to meet social distancing guidelines in a school environment
-engages kids in movement and mindfulness activities that are designed to promote physical wellness, academic success and social emotional health