Public Participation
Welcome to the Rutherford County Board of Education. We are glad to have interested citizens at any time.
If you wish to address the board, please complete the following form and present it to the director of schools’ office no later than noon (12 p.m.) of the day of the meeting.
Pursuant to Board of Education Policy 5.101, the Board may hear complaints against personnel but only after those complaints have been carried through the proper procedures from the point at which they originate. Policy 5.101 specifies that complaints against teachers be presented to the teacher’s immediate supervisor by filling out a complaint form. If the complaint is against a principal the complaint form shall be submitted to the Director of Schools.
Because of the great volume of school business that we must cover, we ask you to limit the length of your presentation. The time that we will allow to one individual is three minutes; to a large delegation from a school or community, a total of fifteen minutes will be allowed – the time to be allocated by the spokesman.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and your interest in our schools and the work of your School Board. Feel free to visit again soon. (No more than a total of 30 minutes at any one school board meeting will be devoted to visitors who wish to speak.)