Insurance Plans
Instructions for viewing Benefits Enrollment Guide
- Choose one of four plan options
- Choose one of two carriers (BlueCross or Cigna)
- Choose one of four networks
- Choose who will be covered by your plan (spouse, children, etc.)
- See Dependent Eligibility and Qualifying Life Event links for information on who can enroll and what documents are required.
Please find your specialist below based on your work location for any questions in regard to your insurance or email us at [email protected].
Jennifer Schmidt
Benefits Coordinator - 615-893-5812 Ext 22232
Suzette Cupples - [email protected]
Sr. Benefits Specialist – 615-893-5812 Ext 22007
- Retirees
Phylicia Bernard - [email protected]
Benefits Specialist – 615-893-5812 Ext 22104
- Central Office
- Barfield Elementary School
- Blackman Elementary School
- Blackman High School
- Blackman Middle School
- Christiana Elementary School
- Christiana Middle School
- Eagleville School
- Plainview Elementary School
- Riverdale High School
- Rockvale Elementary School
- Rockvale Middle School
- Rockvale High School
Teka Canady - [email protected]
Benefits Specialist – 615-893-5812 Ext 22185
- John Colemon Elementary School
- Oakland High School
- Oakland Middle School
- Rock Springs Elementary School
- Rock Springs Middle School
- Rutherford County Virtual School
- Siegel High School
- Siegel Middle School
- Smyrna Elementary School
- Smyrna West Alternative School
- Stewartsboro Elementary School
- Walter Hill Elementary School
- Wilson Elementary School
Shelby Grau - [email protected]
Benefits Specialist – 615-893-5812 Ext 22112
- Brown's Chapel Elementary School
- Buchanan Elementary School
- Central Magnet School
- Daniel-McKee Alternative School
- Holloway High School
- HP Campus
- Kittrell Elementary School
- Lascassas Elementary School
- McFadden School of Excellence
- Stewarts Creek Elementary School
- Stewarts Creek High School
- Stewarts Creek Middle School
- Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School
Shannon Perkins - [email protected]
Benefits Specialist – 615-893-5812 Ext 22191
- Cedar Grove Elementary School
- David Youree Elementary School
- LaVergne High School
- LaVergne Lake Elementary School
- LaVergne Middle School
- Rocky Fork Elementary School
- Rocky Fork Middle School
- Roy Waldron Elementary School
- Simon Springs Community School
- Smyrna High School
- Smyrna Middle School
- Smyrna Primary School
- Thurman Francis Arts Academy
Information about the state retirement plans and coverage can also be found on the state's comprehensive website.