Blended Learning Resources » High School Blended Learning

High School Blended Learning

Why Blended Learning?
  • Understand the key characteristics of blended learning and impacts on student learning
  • Evaluate Blended Learning resources that will engage students and add accountability
Station 1:

Teacher-led student learning station

Learning Target

  • Experience a teacher-led student center station
  • Examine the definition of blended learning
  • Evaluate how RCS teachers are applying blended learning in their classrooms


Station 2:

Accountability In Your Station Rotation

Learning Target:

  • Describe the importance of student accountability when using station rotations. 


  • Read the article using either the paper copy provided or the digital copy (link below). The digital copy has clickable links for extra information.
  • After reading the article, answer the questions below in the Microsoft Form. The answers will be sent to your teacher.

Digital Copy:

Microsoft Form:

Small Group Discussion: What is your number one advice to another teacher who is just starting group work or stations in their classroom? Write your advice on the graffiti wall.

Station 3: CHOOSE One

Choice 1: Blended Learning in the Science Classroom (Recommend for Science Teachers)

Learning Target:

  • Evaluate how Paul Andersen use the blended learning cycle in his science classroom. This cycle moves through the following steps; Question, Investigation/Inquiry, Video, Elaboration, Review and Summary quiz.



Choice 2: How and Why to Implement Blended Learning in Your Classroom

Learning Target:

  • Evaluate the benefits of various blended learning models 


Choice 3: Blended Learning vs Technology Integration

Learning Target

  • Identify two hallmarks that differentiate a blended learning classroom from a tech-rich classroom.
  • Provide a scenario that takes a classroom from tech-rich to blended.


 Extra Time:
Choice 1: Blended Learning: Real Teaching (Science Classroom)
Watch the video and evaluate how blended learning impacted the teachers and students in this science classroom.
Choice 2: Choice Boards, Learning Menus, and More
Explore the resources included in the link below.  How could this be implemented?  What design ideas do you have for your classroom?
Choice 3: Flipped Learning
Evaluate how teachers use flipped learning and why it is beneficial for students and teachers.  How could this be used in your classroom?  Could students create and share instructional videos? Thoughts?

Video 1: Katie utilizes one-take videos and online publishing to remove the traditional lecture from the classroom to effectively engage and challenge students through differentiated lessons and collaborative learning


Video 2: What is Flipped Learning?

• What a flipped classroom is -- and is not.

• Why it's powerful to create your own videos.

• How to get students to watch the videos.

• How to get started.


Video 3: Flipping the Classroom - No Computers or Internet Required - Dr. Lodge McCammon


Video 4: Flipped Classroom Research Foundations Dr. Lodge McCammon


 Video 5: Rethinking the Flipped Classroom Pitch - Dr. Lodge McCammon