Special Education Coaches

Special Education Coaches support schools by empowering special educators and support staff to meet the needs of our schools' special populations.
Some of the ways we support schools:
  • Participate in the planning and facilitation of professional development
  • Provide instructional and coaching support to teachers and staff  
  • Distribute information related to curriculum, policies, and instructional strategies
  • Attend school PLCs and data team meetings to provide support in data driven decisions
Lead Special Education Coach
Kurstin Bingman 




Antoinette Roche JCE, RFE, RFM, DYE, RVS [email protected]
Cole Wise BCES, RSES, RSMS, SCES, SCMS, SCHS [email protected]
Jason Harvey BES, CES, CHMS, PES, RHS, WBMS [email protected]
Jenny Kawano  BLE, BMS, BHS, STE [email protected]
Jenny McCrery KIT, LES, OMS, OHS, WHES [email protected]
Julia Battles SES, SHS, SMS, SPS, TFAA  [email protected]
Keri Rocha CGES, LLES, LHS, LMS, RWES [email protected]
Sandra Daniel   BAR, EAG, RES, RMS, RVHS [email protected]
Terrence Surles CMS, DMK, HHS, SWA [email protected]
Whitney McCurrie HPC, MES, SIHS, SIMS, WES [email protected]